Tuesday, July 8, 2008

A long time!

OK - Hello!

this update is really for my friend Jamie (who i swear is the only one reading this anyway! So hi Jamie!) I've been so busy since the new job started travelling and working and commuting that i haven't kept this up so i'm going to try to do a long post about everything going on. hmmm let's see...

New Job:
I like it. It's quieter than I'm used to but I'm trying to get over that by remembering that's what i wanted. I've heard it's been rough at my old place and it actually upsets me to hear that to a degree. I went to San Francisco and Seattle last week in a whirlwind tour of the west coast but did get to spend an afternoon at Fisherman's wharf, and ate fresh crab off the street! YUM. Pictures from that at another time.

Family Updates:
Lyn graduated jr. high School and looked amazing, won the chorus award and is now away at sleepaway camp. I listen to her demo cd and realize how much i miss her!I also can't believe how quickly she's growing up... to the point that it's scary. I found a bunch of old pictures of her and plan on doing a great mini book about her growing up. I need to find a few more then maybe i"ll give it to her for her graduation. We'll see how much I can get done before she gets home.

By some miracle of god, Matthew (my brother in vegas) made dean's list. For those of you who know Matthew I'll give you a moment to stop laughing... But he really did! I'm proud of him.

Mom got a new car, nothing exciting to anyone else but me - i got her old one! and have been driving the treacherous roads to work everyday. OK they aren't treacherous but they could be.

Dating: HA! I joined match.com have been communicating with some people, nothing really super promising though. But I'm trying. It's been 5 weeks ex free, and i realize it's ridiculous to count that, or admit that i'm counting it but there you go!

Alright in other exciting travel news: I went to the red hat convention and loved every drunk night i had there! I was an inspiration to ladies everywhere. Some pictures follow... including one with my cute new dj boyfriend.

Very Jackie O right?? HA
Anywhoo I'm closing with the latest scrapbook pages i did. It's the recap of my 30th... UGH. But Meghan helped me pick the paper and she did a great job. I think i have a secret scrapper emerging! I bought a crapload of stuff at discount stores in PA over the 4th of july weekend, so I'll have a ton of new stuff to show soon (I HOPE!!).

Oh lastly for real... I have this weird obsession with boyz II men all over again.... was on bended knee not the best song ever???????
See you soon!

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